Saturday, April 22, 2017

Wait For A Rainbow

You want to help others around you. You want to be able to reach out and tell them what they need to do in order to fix their problems -to fix your problems. How much easier would it be if we could just snap our fingers and have every little gear in life turning perfectly. Not just in ours, but our friends' and family's as well. But it just doesn't work like that. There will be problems that can't be worked out, there will be situations where you wish things were different; that everything would just make sense, and it'd all come together in one big unit of perfection. You wish that life was that easy, but it isn't. And should that actually be the case, would you even be okay with it? If there were no problems, no pain, or roadblocks in your life, what would you live for? We live to make it through those moments. We live for the happy times, for the unexpected joys that come our way; for the rainbow after the storm. The truth is, there would never be rainbows without the storms. There would never be relief after suffering. There would never be joy without sorrow, because there wouldn't be anything to compare it to, to know how it truly feels.

 We need to acknowledge the bad times, and work through them the best we can, so we can fully appreciate the good times. Understand that those obstacles are put in your life for a reason. Maybe it's not clear as to why yet, but someday, you'll know. Someday, when you're in one of those happier times, you'll look back and you'll understand everything a little more.
 If you're in a storm right now, hope for the rainbow. Watch and wait for it. It will come.