Tuesday, October 9, 2018

A Perfect Moment In Time

We all strive to perfect our lives... we try looking for those amazing moments, those empowering moments, that make us feel like we have everything all together. But if we're always searching for greatness, in some huge, fantastic moment in time, it can be easy to forget the little ones... those uninteresting, perhaps boring moments, where everything stills and stops working for a few minutes. It's not always the grand adventures, or exciting opportunities that we can count as great moments in life. Sometimes, they're found in the most monotonous of situations. Sometimes, it's just sitting on your front porch at 8am, sipping tea and listening to jazzy beats... because, for a while then, there is no stress, no fancy ideas, nothing particularly exciting taking place... and yet there is every reason to feel genuinely content... in the midst of this one small, dare I say, perfect, moment in time.